BrokerForce™ has an automated invoice and commission payment import feature that can receive invoices from you in any of the common data exchange formats.
Faster, better, cheaper!
File formats intended for data exchange such as fixed width, tab delimited, comma separated value (CSV), or Microsoft Excel formats are acceptable. Field order (column sequence) is unimportant. Word processing documents like Microsoft Word, or Adobe PDF files can not be used. If you are using Crystal Reports to export your invoices, please export them to Excel or CSV formats instead.
Our friendly experts at BrokerForce™ will assist you with how to export invoices from your information system regardless of operating system, hardware, or software. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us (it's a free service).
If you have QuickBooks, take a look at the Atandra Data Flow product or Bay State Consulting Export Wizard.
Your customer numbers - In order for a rep group to import your invoices/orders, they must have your bill to and ship to customer numbers so that accounts can be accurately matched. An alphabetic list of your customer numbers with your customers' names, addresses, postal codes, and phone numbers is preferred. This is visually compared to assure that slight variances in spelling the customer's name do not cause duplication or inaccuracy.
How to send your invoices
- The resulting file may be e-mailed, sent on disk, or made available as a download from your web site. If the file is sent directly to your rep group via e-mail, use a subject line such as "Invoices Your Company Name mm/dd/yy" . The body of the message can contain the name of the contact at your company who exported the invoices along with any special instructions.Invoice data needed
BrokerForce™ users can import invoices with just gross invoice amounts or with
line item details.
The following table describes the fields needed and data types. This is a
preferred flat file description, and all
invoice header information should be repeated on every
row. All order details should be grouped together by invoice number.
A two file order header, and details format is also acceptable.
Note: Your customer number (VendorCustNo) and the original PO number will be
used to collate your invoice to the agency's purchase order. New customers
will be recognized as such so, shipping and contact information is helpful for
these. Fields listed are preferred however, if you have others that are
not in
the following list, please include them. Including a header column on the
first row is helpful but not required. If you are not providing line item
details, order amounts and invoice amounts should be net of freight. The total number of columns should not
exceed 90.
Field Name | Data Type | Required? |
Customer Number for Ship To (Yours) | Text 12 char | Y |
Customer Number for Billing | Text 12 char | N |
PO Number | Text 14 char | Y |
Invoice Number | Text 12 char | Y |
Invoice Date | Text (date) | Y |
Invoice Amount (exclude freight) | Currency | Y if no details |
Order Amount (exclude freight) | Currency | N |
ShipName | Text 40 char | N |
ShipAddress | Text 40 char | N |
ShipAddress2 | Text 40 char | N |
ShipCity | Text 50 char | N |
ShipStateOrProvince | Text 50 char | N |
ShipPostalCode | Text 20 char | N |
ShipCountry | Text 50 char | N |
ShipPhone | Text 24 char | N |
ShipFax | Text 24 char | N |
ShipVia (carrier) | Text 50 char | N |
Terms | Text 25 | N |
Freight Charge | Currency | N |
Notes (header) | Text 255 char | N |
Order Discount | Number (decimal equivalent preferred) | N |
Bill Name | Text 40 char | N |
BillContact | Text 50 char | N |
BillPhone | Text 24 char | N |
BillFax | Text 24 char | N |
FOB | Text 30 char | N |
Department | Text 25 char | N |
Commission Amount $ | Currency | N |
Check or Payment# | Text 20 char | Y if Commission Amt |
Line Item Details* | ||
Item Number (matches what you requires for orders) | Text 12 char | Y if details |
ProductName (Description) | Text 40 char | N |
Quantity | Number | Y if details |
Unit and/or Option1 | Text (ea, cs, pr, red, grn,..) 8 char | N |
UnitPrice | Currency | N |
Order Detail Discount | Number (decimal equivalent preffered) | N |
PriceList or contract ID | Text 15 char | N |
BillingQty | Number | N |
Pack/Size and/or Option 2 (color, finish...) | Text (lg, sm...) 10 | N |
Note (detail) | 15 char | |
Accrual | Number | N |
ShipContact | Text 50char | N |
Line item Commission% | Number (decimal equivalent preferred) | N |
* May be sent as separate details file if there is a common key e.g. OrderID to link invoice details to the invoice header. A single flat file is preferred since it is easier for your recipient to manage.
** This is only supported for BrokerForce Internet synchronization service users.
How to supply prices lists for your reps
How to import orders from BrokerForce™ reps
E-mail |
Fax (303) 666-5956 |
Telephone (303) 665-2344 |
Address |
Home Order BrokerForce™ FAQs Data Request Download Demos Support Contact
Copyright©1995 - 2008 DataForce, Inc. Patent 6,901,380 and Patents Pending
* May be sent as separate details file if there is a common key e.g. OrderID to link invoice details to the invoice header. A single flat file is preferred since it is easier for your recipient to manage.
** This is only supported for BrokerForce Internet synchronization service users.
How to supply prices lists for your reps
How to import orders from BrokerForce™ reps
E-mail |
Fax (303) 666-5956 |
Telephone (303) 665-2344 |
Address |
Home Order BrokerForce™ FAQs Data Request Download Demos Support Contact
Copyright©1995 - 2008 DataForce, Inc. Patent 6,901,380 and Patents Pending